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Permutations and Combinations - Hands-on- Probability and Statistics - Statistical Measures -1- HackerRank Fresco Play

Probability and Statistics - Statistical Measures

In this scenario, you will be exploring the most commonly used statistical measures
  1. Mean
  2. Median
  3. Standard Deviation
  4. Variance
  5. Mode
  6. Inter Quartile Range
Function Description

Function Name: measures()
1. Input:
  • arr - Numpy array
2. Output:
  • mean, median, std_deviation, variance, mode, iqr : tuple of results
  • Note: Every value must be rounded off to 2 decimal places


import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import statistics

def measures(arr):
    #Write your code here
    Input: arr : numpy array    
    Return : mean,median,std_deviation,variance,mode,iqr  : float
    1. Assign the values to designated variables
    2. Round off to 2 decimal places
    q3, q1 = np.percentile(arr, [75 ,25])
    arr = np.array(arr)
    mean = round(np.mean(arr),2)
    median = round(np.median(arr),2)
    return mean,median,std_deviation,variance,mode,iqr   

if __name__=='__main__':
    for i in range(n):
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