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Combinations with Factorial - Hands-on - Welcome to Probability and Statistics -2 HackerRank Fresco Play

Given an array, you should find the number of combinations and permutations when taken 2 elements at a time without a replacement that can be formed from the array of elements.

Function Description 

Function name: comb_perm()

1. Input:
  • arr- Numpy array
2. Output:
  • no_of_comb, no_of_perm: integer
Sample Output:


from itertools import combinations
from itertools import permutations 
import numpy as np
import math

def comb_perm(arr):
    #Write your code here
    Input: arr : numpy array    
    Return : no_of_comb,no_of_perm : Integer
    comb = len(list(combinations(arr,2)))
    perm = len(list(permutations(arr,2)))
    return no_of_perm, no_of_comb

if __name__=='__main__':
    for i in range(n):

Please click on the image to see the test cases:

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