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Test your Hypothesis and Chi-Squared test- HackerRank HandsOn - Probability and Statistics - 8

Test your Hypothesis and Chi-Squared test

The table shows the contingency table of marital status by education. Use the Chi-Squared Test for testing Homogeneity.

Marital Status Middle School High School Bachelor Masters PhD
Single 18 36 21 9 6
Married 12 36 45 36 21
Divorced 6 9 9 3 3
Widowed 3 9 9 6 3


Null Hypothesis:
     -There is no difference between the types of education level in terms of marital status.
Alternate Hypothesis:
     -There is a difference in distribution between the types of education level in terms of marital status.

Steps to be followed:

Write a function chi_test() that does the following sequence of steps 
  1. Declare a 2D array with the values mentioned in the contingency table of marital status by education.
  2. calculate the values of 
  • Chi-Square Statistic 
  • Degree of Freedom
  • P value
and assign it to variables stat,dof,p_val respetively

3.Assume nthe alpha value to be 0.05

4. Compare the P value with alpha and decide whether or not to reject the null hyphothesis.

    -If Rejected assign the string  "Reject the Null Hypothesis" to res variable

    -Else assign the string "Failed to reject the Null Hypothesis" to res variable

5. Hint: Use chi2_contingency() of scipy package


from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
from scipy.stats import chi2

def chi_test():
    1. stat: Float
    2. dof : Integer
    3. p_val: Float
    4. res: String
    #Note: Round off the Float values to 2 decimal places.

    critical=chi2.ppf(prob, dof)

    if abs(stat) >= critical:
        res = 'Reject the Null Hypothesis'
        res= 'Failed to reject the Null Hypothesis'

    if p_val <= alpha:
        res = 'Reject the Null Hypothesis'
        res = 'Failed to reject the Null Hypothesis'
    stat = round(stat,2)
    dof = round(dof,2)
    p_val = round(p_val,2)
    return stat,dof,p_val,res   

if __name__=='__main__':

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