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Q.1 The following are LocalStorage functions, except ________

1) setItem()

2) removeItem()

3) getItem()

4) getElementbyID()

Ans: 4) getElementbyID()

Q.2 Which of the following new features of HTML5 can be used for long running tasks?

1) Web Sessions

2) App Cache

3) Local Storage

4) Web Workers

Ans: 4) Web Workers

Q.3 Which of the following statements about Modernizr is true?

1) It modernizes the older browsers

2) It detects which features the browser supports

3) It tries to find which browser is being used

4) It augments browser features to support HTML5

Ans: 2) It detects which features the browser supports
Q.4 Which API can be used to display the thumbnail image of a file being uploaded in a HTML5 photo sharing website?

1) File API

2) Web Storage API

3) Device Access API

4) Cache API

Ans: 1) File API

Q.5 Websites can store data on the user's computer using Web Storage. How is Web Storage different from Cookies?

1) Can store more data

2) More secure

3) Web Storage is faster

4) All the options

Ans: 4) All the options

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