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Create Array of Favourite Food items objects -- JSON Data Structuring--HackerRank Solutions Fresco Play Hanson

 This is JSON validation test.

This test requires the knowledge about JSON data structuring and valid data types used.

The data should be written in data.json file.

Text to be done.

Create a JSON Array of Objects with fields

  • Name
  • Type
  • Price
After writing the JSON data, import the json data in loopObject.js and modify the data as per your wish.

  • Have idea about the data types used in json data.
  • Select Run -> Install to install the dependencies.
  • Select Run -> Run Server to start your application
  • Select Run -> Test to run the test cases.


  {"Name":"","Type":"Solution Provider","Price":0},
  {"Name":"","Type":"Notes Provider","Price":0},
  {"Name":"","Type":"Content Provider","Price":0}

Image for Reference:

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