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Quiz Handson - AWS- Amazon Web Services- HackerRank Questions and answers Fresco Play -1

Q.1 Developers and organizations all around the world leverage ______ extensively.

1) PaaS

2) IaaS

3) Xaas

4) Saas

Ans: 1) PaaS

Q.2 Cloud-computing providers offer their services as ______________.

1) EaaS

2) IaaS, Paas, Saas

3) SaaS

4) PaaS

Ans: 2) IaaS, Paas, Saas

Q. 3 __________are separate physical data centers that may exist within a particular region, but has separate infrastructure dependencies.

1) Regions

2) Local Zone

3) Availability zones

4) Edge locations

Ans: 3) Availability zones

Q.4 ___________ characteristics of cloud is used to increase or decrease the resources based on the requirements

1) On-demand self-service

2 ) Rapid elasticity

3) Resource pooling

4) Broad network access

Ans: 2 ) Rapid elasticity

Q.5 The committee that designs the standards and characteristics for cloud computing is ______________.


2 ) NCCC



Ans: 4) NIST

Q.6 Which of the following are advantages of cloud computing?

1) Variable as opposed to upfront

2 ) Fixed cost

3) Economics of scale can reduce Operating cost

4) It's easier to match capacity to demand

5) All the above

Ans: 5) All the above

Q. 7 You are using an S3 bucket through which you are running a photo sharing website. It is found that some of the other sites owners are also using your bucket URL and causing a loss to your business. How will you protect your buckets content from unauthorized usage?

1) None of the options

2 ) Utilize bucket polices, ACLs, and user policies


4) Deleting data after usage

Ans: 2 ) Utilize bucket polices, ACLs, and user policies

Q. 8 What does S3 stand for?

1) Single Storage Service

2 ) Storage Simple Service

3) Super Storage Service

4) Simple Storage Service

Ans: 4) Simple Storage Service

Q. 9 In S3, what does RRS stand for?

1) Reduced Redundancy Storage

2 ) Repeated Redundancy Storage

3) Reduced Repeated Storage

4) Reduced Refined Storage

Ans: 1) Reduced Redundancy Storage

Q. 10 What is an AMI?

1) Amazon Material Image

2 ) Amazon Machine Index

3) Amazon Machine Image

4) Amazon Machine Integer

Ans: 3) Amazon Machine Image

Q. 11 EC2 stands for _________.

1) Elastic Compute Cloud

2 ) Electronic Compute Cloud

3) Electronic Cloud Computer

4) Elastic Cloud Computer

Ans: 1) Elastic Compute Cloud

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