Python - Range1
Define a function called `rangefunction` which takes three parameters. The first parameter is `startvalue` , the next parameter is `endvalue` and the last parameter is 'stepvalue'. The function definition code stub is given in the editor. Generate the squares of numbers from `startvalue` to `endvalue` using range based on condition given below:
- Print the values which must be separated by tab spaces.
Note: startvalue and endvalue both are inclusive in the range.
1 ≤ startvalue
Input Format for Custom Testing
- In the first line startvalue given
- In the second line endvalue given
In the second line stepvalue given
Sample Case 0
Sample Input
STDIN Function
----- --------
2 → startvalue = 2
9 → endvalue = 9
2 → stepvalue = 2
Sample Output
4 16 36 64
- With 2 as startvalue to 9 as endvalue and with 2 as stepvalue the output is 2 4 6 8
whose squares are 4 16 36 64
Click on Image:![](
import math
import os
import random
import re
import sys
# Complete the 'func' function below.
# The function is expected to print an INTEGER.
# The function accepts following parameters:
# 1. INTEGER startvalue
# 2. INTEGER endvalue
# 3. INTEGER stepvalue
def rangefunction(startvalue, endvalue, stepvalue):
# Write your code here
list1 = list(range(startvalue,endvalue,stepvalue))
for i in list1:
val = i**2
print(val, end="\t")
if __name__ == '__main__':
x = int(input().strip())
y = int(input().strip())
z = int(input().strip())
rangefunction(x, y, z)
ReplyDeletefor i in range(startvalue,endvalue+1):
"second range Handson answer of python"